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College Of Dupage Calendar 24-25

Written by Ben Javu May 11, 2023 ยท 3 min read
College Of Dupage Calendar 24-25

The College of DuPage is a community college located in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. The college offers a wide range of programs and courses for students to choose from. One of the most important things for students is the college calendar. In this article, we will be discussing the College of DuPage calendar for the year 24-25.

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Unofficial College of DuPage Academic Calendar
Unofficial College of DuPage Academic Calendar from
College of DuPage Calendar 24-25


The College of DuPage is a community college located in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. The college offers a wide range of programs and courses for students to choose from. One of the most important things for students is the college calendar. In this article, we will be discussing the College of DuPage calendar for the year 24-25.

What is the College of DuPage calendar 24-25?

The College of DuPage calendar 24-25 is a schedule of important dates for students. These dates include the start and end of each semester, holidays, and other important events. It is important for students to be aware of these dates so they can plan accordingly and not miss any important deadlines.

When does the fall semester start?

The fall semester for the College of DuPage calendar 24-25 starts on August 21, 2024. This is an important date for students to remember as it marks the beginning of the academic year. Students should make sure to attend all their classes from the very first day.

What are the important dates for the fall semester?

Some of the important dates for the fall semester of the College of DuPage calendar 24-25 include Labor Day on September 2, 2024; Thanksgiving break on November 28-29, 2024; and the end of the semester on December 14, 2024. It is important for students to be aware of these dates so they can plan their schedules accordingly.

When does the spring semester start?

The spring semester for the College of DuPage calendar 24-25 starts on January 13, 2025. This is an important date for students to remember as it marks the beginning of the second semester. Students should make sure to attend all their classes from the very first day.

What are the important dates for the spring semester?

Some of the important dates for the spring semester of the College of DuPage calendar 24-25 include Martin Luther King Jr. Day on January 20, 2025; spring break on March 10-14, 2025; and the end of the semester on May 9, 2025. It is important for students to be aware of these dates so they can plan their schedules accordingly.

What about summer classes?

The College of DuPage offers summer classes as well. The summer session for the College of DuPage calendar 24-25 starts on June 9, 2025. Students who want to take summer classes should make sure to register early so they can get the classes they want.

What are some other important dates?

Other important dates for the College of DuPage calendar 24-25 include registration dates, deadlines to drop or add classes, and final exam dates. Students should make sure to check the calendar regularly so they don't miss any important deadlines.


The College of DuPage calendar 24-25 is an important tool for students to plan their schedules and make sure they don't miss any important deadlines. Students should make sure to check the calendar regularly and be aware of all the important dates. By doing so, they can have a successful and productive academic year.


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