Qldo Greenville School Calendar 2023 2024 Park MAINBRAINLY from mainbrainly.alwaysdata.net
Are you a parent living in Greenville County, South Carolina, and wondering about the school calendar for 2024? Look no further! In this article, we'll give you all the information you need to know about the Greenville County Schools calendar for 2024.
When Does the School Year Start and End?
The 2024 school year for Greenville County Schools will start on August 19th, 2024, and end on June 4th, 2025. This means that students will have a total of 180 days of instruction.
What Are the Holidays and Breaks?
There are several holidays and breaks throughout the school year. The first break will be for Labor Day, which falls on September 2nd, 2024. The next break will be for Thanksgiving, which runs from November 25th to November 29th. The winter break will start on December 23rd and run through January 3rd, 2025. Spring break will fall on April 7th to April 14th.
What About Teacher Workdays and In-Service Days?
There will be several teacher workdays and in-service days throughout the school year. The first teacher workday will be on August 16th, 2024, and the last teacher workday will be on June 5th, 2025.
How Many Early Release Days Are There?
There will be a total of seven early release days throughout the school year. These days are scheduled for September 18th, October 16th, November 20th, December 18th, February 19th, March 19th, and May 21st.
What Are the Graduation Dates?
Graduation for Greenville County Schools will be held on June 3rd and June 4th, 2025. These dates are subject to change based on weather conditions.
What About Inclement Weather?
In the event of inclement weather, Greenville County Schools will follow the inclement weather schedule. This schedule will be announced through local media outlets, the district website, and the district's social media channels.
What Are the School Hours?
Elementary schools will run from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm, middle schools will run from 8:45 am to 3:45 pm, and high schools will run from 7:45 am to 2:45 pm.
Do You Have Any Tips for Parents?
As a parent, it's important to keep track of important dates and events throughout the school year. You can do this by downloading the district's calendar and syncing it with your personal calendar. It's also important to stay involved in your child's education by attending parent-teacher conferences, volunteering at school events, and helping with homework.
Now that you know everything about the Greenville County Schools calendar for 2024, you can start planning for the upcoming school year. Remember to stay involved in your child's education and make the most out of the school year.